

Let it flow! A pumpable ice which has amazing properties regarding to the funcionality of storing it. BinaryIce is to be used when there is a need of big cooling capacity in a short time. The solution, when it comes to efficiency and flexibility.



A soft ice at a small price! Specially designed for stand-alone ice installations on board of shrimp and fishing-boats. In addition to the recovered independence of the fishermen there is also the benefit of better quality preservation of the chilled goods and the very simple commissioning.

Refrigerating Brine

Refrigerating Brine

Sole is a good basis for an effectively functioning coolant circulating. In addition to the sale of ecologically harmless Talin and Corin (Corrosion Inhibitor) on small to very large quantities, we offer the service of an expert laboratory analysis of brine samples.

  • BinaryIce on board of a shrimper

    BinaryIce on board of a shrimper

    Installed BinaryIce system on the GRE 37
  • Cooltech GmbH

    Cooltech GmbH

    Experience creates innovations!
  • Cooltech GmbH

    Cooltech GmbH

    Because quality still works tomorrow!
  • Refrigeration Brine

    Refrigeration Brine

    Sale and laboratory analysis of brine samples.