BinaryIce ®

BinaryIce – Basics

Ice crystals are the smallest producible refrigeration unit. They have the special property to change their state abruptly from melted to frozen or vice versa what is called binary behavior. In contrast to an ice cube that melts continuously, ice crystals have an incredibly high reaction kinetics and are therefore particularly suitable for storing cold energy. In the liquid aggregate phase water has a high fluidity and is therefore particularly well pumpable.

In most applications of refrigeration and air conditioning the needed cooling capacity over an specific period is very variable. For example: If you look at the cooling demand curve of a theater it is clearly noticable that a large cooling capacity is required during the events. Between the events there is little to no need for air conditioning. Lastdiagramme

Therefore conventional air conditioning systems have to be designed exorbitant in relation to average energy demand. This becomes noticable by very high costs and large space requirements. Unnecessary financial expense can be saved in all applications by employing innovative systems with cold energy storage. So it is possible that a small refrigeration system can continously fill up the cold energy storage, which will be emtied during the events when the cold energy is needed.

We have succeeded in combining the different properties of the aggregate phase of water in one product: BinaryIce. It is possible to pump the ice crystals in a water based mixture and store it in small to large amounts. Our BinaryIce is adjustable in a temperature range from -1.2°C to -35°C.

BinaryIce – The Feature

The core part of our BinaryIce-Systems is the generator which is welded of a double-walled tube of stainless steel. Inside the generator there is the rotor with specially made “knifes” (Scrapers) that are mounted on it like you can see on the picture. The rotor is driven by a geared motor. While a special fluid called “Refrigeration Brine” is pumped from the BinaryIce-Storage through the inside of the generator, a refigerant flows through the double-walled tube.

ScraperThe scrapers scrape off little ice crystals which arise on the inner surface of the generator. These free ice crystals swim in the refrigeration brine and are pumped in a circle through the storage and the generator. As a natural consequence the koncentration of the crystals inside the brine is rising to an adjustable point.


Advantages of BinaryIce

  1. Storable cold energy
    By storing BinaryIce the installed capacity can be reduced up to 70% compared to conventional systems
  2. Pumpable ice
    BinaryIce is liquid and can be pumped almost as easy as water. This permits very small pipe diameters and the use of small pumps to save energy.
  3. The energy of ice crystals
    Ice crystals are the smallest possible refrigeration unit. They have very large reaction kinetics and transfer their cooling capacity therefore consequently fast